What is an NEP?
A National Emphasis Program (NEP) is a temporary specific hazard awareness program in which OSHA focuses their resources on.
A National Emphasis Program (NEP) is a temporary specific hazard awareness program in which OSHA focuses their resources on.
Owners of construction projects often require contractors bidding on the job to secure bid and performance bonds.
As of January 2024, OSHA released an update to the maximum penalty costs to adjust for the cost-of-living increases over the past few years.
Timely claim accident and illness reporting allows insurance companies to respond efficiently, mitigate potential risks, and manage expenses effectively, resulting in a smoother claims process and more stable insurance costs for employers and workers, ultimately benefiting all parties involved.
Contractors benefited from an uptick in commercial and multifamily starts in 2021 and 2022 only to see demand fall in 2023 due to rising interest rates and tight credit.
A workplace safety training program is a mandatory approach to educate employees about potential workplace hazards, safe work practices, and emergency procedures.
Earlier this week, it was announced that Governor Hochul had vetoed the Grieving Families Act (GFA) for the second time.
If you’re a contractor, your job sites present the most consistent and, in most cases, the greatest potential for employee, subcontractor and visitor injuries.
Todd Goodman discusses the important steps to securing a safer and healthier work environment.
If you’re a contractor, your job sites present the most consistent and, in most cases, the greatest potential for employee, subcontractor and visitor injuries.