More Problems, More money…
As of January 2024, OSHA released an update to the maximum penalty costs to adjust for the cost-of-living increases over the past few years.
As of January 2024, OSHA released an update to the maximum penalty costs to adjust for the cost-of-living increases over the past few years.
Timely claim accident and illness reporting allows insurance companies to respond efficiently, mitigate potential risks, and manage expenses effectively, resulting in a smoother claims process and more stable insurance costs for employers and workers, ultimately benefiting all parties involved.
Flash rains and ice melts can cause flooding when the ground can’t absorb the water fast enough.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a way for you to create social responsiveness through internal policies and community programs. It relies on values and principles to dictate how your company relates to the community at large.
The problem is, filing multiple claims with your insurance company has consequences — usually in the form of higher insurance rates.
As an accountant, CPA or tax preparer, what happens if you miss a filing deadline, or your advice leads to significant financial loss for your client? What if you do everything correctly but your client blames you for a financial loss?
Does your company have independent contractors? If so, pay attention. On Jan. 10, 2024, the U.S.Department of Labor (DOL) announced a new independent contractor rule (2024 IC Rule).
ACCESS Global Group is a MWBE certified consulting and coaching firm that specializes in assisting organizations in recognizing the value that stems from embracing diversity.
You certainly don’t have to live in a coastal area to be affected by flooding. Anyone who owns a home near a body of water, including lakes and streams, is vulnerable.
Many people rent homes at some point in their lives, from college students in their first off-campus apartments to retired couples who are downsizing. If you’re a new renter, you might not be clear on what renters insurance is and whether you need it.