Time for Spring Cleaning
The first sign that spring has sprung is the relentless desire to clean with all of that newfound energy.
The first sign that spring has sprung is the relentless desire to clean with all of that newfound energy.
Flash rains and ice melts can cause flooding when the ground can’t absorb the water fast enough.
The problem is, filing multiple claims with your insurance company has consequences — usually in the form of higher insurance rates.
You certainly don’t have to live in a coastal area to be affected by flooding. Anyone who owns a home near a body of water, including lakes and streams, is vulnerable.
Many people rent homes at some point in their lives, from college students in their first off-campus apartments to retired couples who are downsizing. If you’re a new renter, you might not be clear on what renters insurance is and whether you need it.
How insurance handles a windshield repair or replacement depends on what kind of auto glass coverage you have, how the damage happened and the extent of the damage.
How insurance handles a windshield repair or replacement depends on what kind of auto glass coverage you have, how the damage happened and the extent of the damage.
If you’ve been in your home for a few years without a coverage review, there’s a good chance you’re underinsured. Even if you bought recently, you might have grabbed a homeowners policy without much thought just for the sake of closing. Now that you’re in your home and things are settling down, it’s an excellent time to ensure you have the coverage you need for the long haul.
Life happens. The car breaks down, the kids get sick, an appliance fails. When the insurance bill arrives, you have every intention of paying it, but somehow you forget.
Life doesn’t stop after you obtain insurance coverage. You’ll need to adjust your insurance coverage to align with your new circumstances.