HR Templates & Sample Documents
Thank you for attending Human Resources Compliance Risk Mitigation and Best Practices
We appreciate your time and engagement. We hope you found the session insightful and valuable. Here are some additional resources, including letters and checklists for terminations, reviews, offers and more. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Sample Templates & Documents
Disclaimer: These documents contain information intended solely as examples and are intended for customization by the user. They are not intended as legal advice. OneGroup provides information, research, guidance, and best practices, but does not offer specific legal or tax advice. OneGroup services are not intended to be a substitute for legal or tax advice. Given the changing nature of federal, state, and local legislation and the changing nature of court decisions, OneGroup cannot guarantee that the information will not change in the future.
Well-crafted company policies and employee handbooks are imperative to ensure legal protection and compliance.
While not legally required, these documents are crucial for mitigating legal risks, establishing clear expectations for employees, and orienting new hires into the company culture. Federal and state laws, along with increasing litigation against companies and individual managers, is growing proof that a written document stating company policies is critical to businesses of all sizes.
We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for HR solutions. Save time. Save money.
Welcome Vinse Delmage to OneGroup!
Welcome Vinse Delmage to OneGroup! He has joined our team as Regional President, Western New York and Senior VP, Insurance Placement.
Office Workers Need Workplace Safety Training, Too
Believe it or not, all employees need safety training, even if they seem secure behind their desks. Here are some things to keep in mind.
What You Need To Know About Form I-9 and E-Verify
As a U.S. employer, you have responsibilities under immigration law related to hiring and retaining employees. Learn about employment eligibility verification, remaining in compliance and where to go for help.