Employee Benefits

A Leader in Health Insurance and Benefit Plan Consulting

Businesses are seeking innovative ways to lower benefits cost while providing quality benefits. Health insurance and benefits now make up 30% or more of employees’ total compensation, and represent one of the largest expenses for any business.

We provide our clients with the breadth of expertise to ensure compliance within their medical, prescription drug, and dental benefits as well as life, accident and disability insurance, and paid time off. Our specialists provide in-depth assistance in designing and administering employer-sponsored health and welfare plans.

In today’s competitive employment market, employers want their employee benefit programs to work harder than ever to attract and keep top employees. At the same time, employees at every level are demanding more flexibility and options to fit their busy and changing lives. OneGroup designs custom programs that meet your employee needs. We offer high-level services to meet your unique needs.

  • Health
  • Disability
  • Long-Term Care
  • Life Insurance
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Prescription Drug
  • Voluntary Benefits
  • Executive Benefit Programs

Education and Communication: OneGroup provides a high level of communication and contact with employees to help them understand their benefits programs and to educate them about the total value of the benefits that are being provided to them by the company.

Business Strategic Thinking: OneGroup does not strive to sell products—we engage in understanding your business strategies and your objectives for utilizing human capital to meet your business goals. We understand how to design a benefits plan that supports your corporate mission.

Cutting-Edge: OneGroup continually monitors the market regulatory arena to keep your company at the leading edge of employee benefits utilization. 

OneGroup’s benefits experts are well versed at designing and implementing wellness programs with the key objective of reducing your long-term cost of benefits. There are many additional benefits to the employer including:

These programs not only support the wellbeing of employees but are equally impactful to employers: 

  • Reducing Absenteeism
  • Reducing Injuries at and Away From Work
  • Increasing Employee Productivity
  • Reducing Workers’ Compensation and Disability-Related Costs
  • Faster Return-to-Work
  • Improving Employee Morale
  • Increasing Retention Rates
  • Happier, More Engaged Employees

We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for their benefits program. Save time. Save money.

Unlock the Value of Paid Paternity Leave

Discover the employer and employee benefits of paid paternity leave, and learn strategies to increase its uptake.

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8 Strategies for Addressing and Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental illnesses can affect anyone, regardless of gender, culture, race, religion or socioeconomic status. A study in BMC Psychiatry estimates that 309 million people, or 4.4% of the world’s population, suffer from major depressive disorders.

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Building a Modern Wellness Program

Early employee wellness programs were designed to control health care costs. Success was measured by a reduction in medical claims, disability claims and employee absences.

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