Workers’ Compensation
Helping You Manage the Costs and Complexities of Workers’ Compensation
OneGroup is a full service independent insurance brokerage firm. As an independent agency, we work for you, not for any specific insurance company. Our proactive approach to claim and risk management works to reduce your risk and increase your profitability. Perhaps few things challenge and frustrate businesses more than dealing with the ever-increasing cost and complexity of dealing with workers’ compensation.
Seven ways to control escalating workers’ compensation costs:

- Classification Audits
We evaluate the application of workers’ compensation class codes to ensure that they are applied correctly and to your advantage. Many times, errors in classifying a business can cost that business tens of thousands of dollars in overpayments in workers’ compensation insurance premiums. - Premium Recovery Service
Do you know that you may be able to recover substantial overpayments you might have made on your workers’ compensation premiums? Even up to six years prior? Most companies simply pay the workers’ compensation premiums as dictated by their insurance carrier each year. But in the majority of the cases we’ve audited overpayments were discovered. Not only were we able to recover these overpayments, through corrected classification, we were able to dramatically reduce their workers’ compensation premiums going forward! In one case alone, we are able to recover in excess of $400,000 in overpayments. Learn more. - Ensuring An Accurate Experience Modification Factor
Workers’ compensation experience modification (mod) factors are calculated six months after the end of your policy year. We confirm the accuracy of the data the carrier uses to determine your mod rate and negotiate to ensure that the reserves are correctly set and are not higher than they should be. - Risk And Claim Management
Losses ultimately drive your workers’ compensation costs. OneGroup’s workers’ compensation specialists have decades of experience in reducing claim severity and identifying methods for preventing losses. Our risk management specialists undertake a deep dive into past loss runs, performing a thorough analytical review and providing insight into loss drivers. With this knowledge in hand, we are able to provide a clear path to reducing exposures and cost. - Insurance Programs Dedicated To Helping Your Contain Costs
We are experts in designing workers’ compensation insurance programs with services that partner with you to reduce your real cost of insurance. Our programs can provide upfront discounts and proactive services to help develop loss prevention programs. - Alternative Risk Financing
There are alternatives to traditional workers’ compensation insurance which provide you with more of the financial benefits of controlling your losses—even if you are already doing a very good job at containing losses! We can help you analyze, develop and implement these programs. - Comprehensive Injury Management Process
BHL, along with affiliate Workplace Health Solutions (WHS), provide one of the most comprehensive and effective injury management programs to dramatically reduce your workers’ compensation costs. The process includes:- EmploySmart®, The Informed Hiring SystemTM to ensure you’re hiring the right people for the jobs. The primary goal of the informed hiring program is to provide your facility defensible information on an applicant’s ability to perform the job based on objective data rather than subjective reports.
- Proper handling of injured workers—to ensure a speedy recovery and return to work. Our unique process provides immediate communication between us, the injured worker, the employer and medical providers.
- Client-specific medical network including occupational health and urgent care facilities, diagnostics, treatment specialists and physical therapy ensuring immediate attention to all injuries.
Workers’ compensation audit and insurance premium recovery
Workers’ compensation is an area of high specialty at OneGroup. We have successfully and substantially reduced our clients’ workers’ compensation annual insurance costs and have successfully recovered overpayments that were made by our clients to insurance carriers.
OneGroup’s team of claims, human resources, benefits specialists, and occupational health and ergonomics professionals has developed a comprehensive approach to assisting you in effectively managing your workers’ compensation risk exposures. Our program includes:
- Review of all open claims with your prior and current carriers.
- Conduct claims reviews with all carriers to insure pro-active claims handling and accurate reserving.
- Negotiate fair settlements on behalf of our clients.
- When we successfully reduce your prior loss ratio exposure, we file with the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board for Experience Modifier corrections.
- We recover on behalf of our clients any past premium overpayments they may have made.
Want to learn if you might be due a refund or cost reduction with your current workers’ compensation program?
We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for their workers’ compensation insurance. Save time. Save money.
What is an NEP?
A National Emphasis Program (NEP) is a temporary specific hazard awareness program in which OSHA focuses their resources on.
Human Resources Consulting Explained
Allowing an HR expert to help your company will protect you and focus your time on your expertise.
Update on 2023 Workers’ Compensation Rates
There have been significant changes applicable to New York State workers’ compensation in 2023.