OneGroup Now Official Agency to Syracuse Builders Exchange

OneGroup Now Official Agency to Syracuse Builders Exchange

OneGroup takes over where the Exchange Agency left off.

February 25, 2022

For over 40 years, the Syracuse Builders Exchange (SBE) has provided health, dental and life insurance benefits and services to its member firms and their employees through its wholly owned subsidiary, The Exchange Agency.

A few years ago, through the dedicated efforts of Brett Findlay, Bob Galusha and others, OneGroup was invited to provide SBE members with property and casualty and other risk management insurance services.

I am pleased to announce that through our consistent high level of attention and service to SBE and its members, SBE’s relationship with OneGroup has greatly expanded. With many thanks to Earl R. Hall and the SBE board of directors, OneGroup was selected to assume responsibility for all health, dental, and life insurance, for SBE and its members. Further, OneGroup has been appointed official insurance brokers for SBE.

OneGroup Now Official Agency to Syracuse Builders Exchange

This new partnership greatly enhances SBE’s value to its members, allows members access to far more valuable services, and provides tremendous opportunity for OneGroup to help many more companies in the construction industry, an area of specialty for our agency. OneGroup services SBE members now have access to include:

  • Employee Health, Dental and Life Insurance
  • Human Resources Solutions
  • General Liability and Automobile
  • Property & Casualty
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Disability Insurance
  • Cyber Liability
  • Risk Management
  • Contractual Risk Transfer Guidance
  • Claims Resources

These and the many other services SBE currently offers its members will combine within SBE’s “Titanium Toolbox”, its branded portfolio of member services. We are thrilled and humbled that SBE has placed their trust in us to provide the highest level of attention, service and value to its members. We look forward to many years of working closely together!

Learn more about The Syracuse Builders Exchange here.

Pierre Morrisseau
Chief Executive Officer

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Reduce the Risk of Water Damage

Reduce the Risk of Water Damage

Tips to keep your home safe, despite the weather.

By Janice Kophen

Winter is upon us, and with that comes an increased risk of water damage. From failed appliances to burst pipes, these kinds of problems are costly and not easily remedied. While it is most common for water damage to occur in freezing temperatures, our clients to the south should keep in mind that extreme heat and high humidity can lead to plumbing issues, as well. Regardless of location, it is a good idea to regularly attend to the maintenance of your home’s pipes.

Reduce the Risk of Water Damage

For many groups, open enrollment has wrapped up and 2022 coverage for health and welfare benefits became effective on January 1st. After all the time and effort that goes into open enrollment, it’s easy (and common) for employers to consider benefits a completed activity, and move on to

Here are a few specific steps that homeowners can take to reduce their risk of water damage:

  • Keep the temperature inside your home above 65o in cold climates to avoid frozen pipes. In warmer weather, interior relative humidity should stay at 40% or less to avoid mold.
  • If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, or at risk of harm from rapidly melting snow, it is beneficial to establish a backup source of power to your sump pump. In the event of a power outage, this will help to keep it running.
  • Audit your home for hidden issues that might lead to problems with your plumbing. Air and duct leakage, excess moisture, and gaps in insulation are some of the complications to keep an eye out for.
  • Installing an automatic leak detection system and water shutoff valve can also prevent a significant amount of damage. These systems monitor the flow of water in your pipes and can detect water on the floor – if either of those variables are identified as irregular, the water supply to your home will be automatically shut off.

These are just some of the many steps that can be taken to prevent water damage, and may even lead to a discount on your homeowner’s insurance premium. 

Janice Kophen is vice president of personal insurance operations at OneGroup. She can be reached at 315-558-6777 or

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Open Enrollment is Over, What’s Next?

Open Enrollment is Over, What’s Next?

Keep the conversation going.

By Kristen Pease

For many groups, open enrollment has wrapped up and coverage for health and welfare benefits became effective on January 1st. After all the time and effort that goes into open enrollment, it’s easy (and common) for employers to consider benefits a completed activity, and move on to other tasks. While we understand the “benefits fatigue” that comes after open enrollment is over, benefits education should be a year-round activity. Insurance companies provide many programs and tools that your members might not take advantage of – or even be aware of – and the New Year is a great time to provide ongoing education to ensure members know what is available to them and that they are making the best use of their benefit plans. 

These coverages could help them with a range of services, including managing chronic conditions; finding coupons and lowest cost prescription drugs (especially for those on HDHP plans); covered-in-full preventive care like annual physicals, immunizations, and cancer screenings; and smoking cessation programs. These are just some examples of the many programs and services available through your medical insurance company, or third party administrator.

Telemedicine is a great example of a benefit that is included with most health insurance plans and is an underutilized benefit with most groups. While the pandemic did highlight this service, and many groups saw a jump in its use, the hope is that this benefit continues to be considered a viable avenue for medical care of non-emergency needs – both physical and mental. Winter is the perfect time to remind your members about this coverage, including what to use it for and how to pre-register so that members are ready to use it quickly when the need arises. With winter comes colds, the flu, and other ailments that can be treated remotely, via a video chat or phone call with a United States-based, board-certified physician. 

Open Enrollment is Over, What’s Next?

In general – and especially in the current environment – people don’t want to spend time in waiting rooms, so it would be favorable to offer an alternative that allows them to stay at home and still get the care that they need. In addition to costing less than a visit to your primary care provider, urgent care, or the ER, telemedicine is also very convenient, with physicians available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to the member savings, higher utilization of this benefit can lead to much lower costs to your plan.

There is no shortage of topics when it comes to benefits education. Companies and their employees spend a significant amount of money on their health insurance coverage, so be sure that they are making the most of it! Reach out to your consultant to discuss a calendar of topics for the year and develop communications and collateral to share with your members.

Kristen Pease is vice president of consulting services at OneGroup. She can be reached at 315-413-4468 or

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Coverage cannot be bound or altered and a claim cannot be reported without confirmation from a representative of OneGroup.

Limits Vs. Deductibles

Limits Vs. Deductibles

Insurance terms explained

By Kathleen Gorman

There are two key terms included in almost every type of insurance policy: deductible and limit.

Let’s break down how these terms apply to personal insurance:

deductible is the amount of money to be paid out of your pocket on a claim before your insurance kicks in. In most cases, your insurance carrier will subtract the deductible from the total and cut you a check for the rest. Work with your agent to determine how your specific policy is structured.

limit is the maximum amount that your insurance carrier will pay toward your claim, leaving you responsible for the rest. In high-risk situations where the limits seem insufficient, ask your agent about an umbrella policy.

As always, our agents are standing by to help you understand and make the most of your insurance.

If you have any questions, we invite you to call our experts at 800-268-1830 or email us at

Kathleen Gorman is senior vice president of personal insurance at OneGroup.

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Coverage cannot be bound or altered and a claim cannot be reported without confirmation from a representative of OneGroup.

What Keeps You Up at Night?

What Keeps You Up at Night?

Excerpts from C-Suite Magazine, 4th Quarter, 2021

By Pierre Morrisseau

I’m not talking about the noisy next-door neighbor or that loud car that always seems to rumble by as soon as you drift off to sleep. I’m referencing the kinds of things that business leaders obsess over; things that push their companies back on their heels, or worse, damage them beyond repair.

There are many potential dangers to an organization’s success and growth. At the macro level, political, economic, environmental, technological, and other such forces demand strategic thinking. Yet, it is most often one of the everyday functions of business that present the most challenges.

Running any size business is complex and risky. A decision maker’s attention is drawn in seemingly hundreds of directions. I remind our employees that we cannot think in terms of the products we offer, but instead, think of how we can help our clients with their short- and long-term priorities.

I was recently consumed with rolling out new technology that would streamline our operations and allow OneGroup to dramatically increase the time spent with our clients. In the midst of this project, a salesperson cold-called me. He worked hard to pitch me on his product, despite the fact that it was not aligned with my current needs or focus. He was unwilling to listen to my needs. This interaction led me to further evaluate how OneGroup approaches the sales process, and how important it is to put the client first.

I spend a lot of time with our sales team, consultants, and service teams, often reminding them that by taking the time to understand and discuss our clients’ issues, we have the opportunity to truly assist them in their success.

With all of this in mind, as we enter a second year of unprecedented challenges and risk, I believe that it is more important than ever to listen to those around us – loved ones, employees, friends, clients – to understand what their anxieties are. We should not assume. We should be quick to listen and offer our help. Not only does this behavior strengthen our individual, interpersonal relationships, but by establishing a foundation of trust with our clients, the company as a whole succeeds.

A recent Harvard Business Review article stated that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are now torn between “generating sales” and “respecting the threats to life and livelihood…” I firmly believe that by shifting our attention from selling to helping we become more valuable to our customers, simply because we demonstrate care and respect, which in turn leads to increased sales.

As business leaders continue to deal with the many things that keep us up at night, we would be wise to understand that our peers are also struggling on many fronts. We would be wise to offer our help in any way, not just with our specific products and services.

Pierre Morrisseau
Chief Executive Officer

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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OneGroup Now in New England

OneGroup Now in New England

OneGroup acquires Thomas Gregory Associates

October 5, 2021

As OneGroup continues to grow, we are delighted to welcome New England-based Thomas Gregory Associates Insurance Brokers, Inc. (TGA) to our table. TGA specializes in all lines of property and casualty coverage, with an emphasis on the food and agribusiness industries.

Thomas Gregory Associates represents clients across the United States, many doing business internationally. The firm specializes in all lines of property and casualty coverage including hard to place professional liability and product recall, particularly firms requiring controlled atmospheres and controlled environments.

OneGroup Now in New England
OneGroup Now in New England
Thomas “Tig” Gregory & Andrew Gregory

“We specialize in providing risk management and insurance solutions which reduces the ‘Total Cost of Risk’ for companies in the agricultural, food processing, life science, and transportation industries,” said Gregory. “Our expertise is in writing and negotiating manuscript coverage forms with carriers to cover the unique aspects of the risks for each client.”

OneGroup currently operates from eighteen offices located in New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Florida and now Massachusetts.

“We are thrilled to be part of OneGroup which brings us the assets and scale to better serve our clients’ needs,” said Gregory.

Learn more about TGA here.

Pierre Morrisseau
Chief Executive Officer

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Coverage cannot be bound or altered and a claim cannot be reported without confirmation from a representative of OneGroup.

Business Resiliency: Planet

Business Resiliency: Planet

How are you contributing to the conservation of our one planet?

By Cindy Bush

“I’m calling to tell you we expect more from you. And by the way, you won’t know how to do it.”

I’m sure that’s not exactly what he said, but over the pounding of my heart, that’s what I heard.

Imagine getting that call from your biggest client.

I was working in environmental health and safety at a mid-sized manufacturer when a Fortune 500 company client had that message for us. We had just become a business critical supplier in their Tier 1 supply chain, and they had just launched a new sustainability initiative. If we wanted to stay a critical supplier, we had to step up our sustainability game.

That situation isn’t all that uncommon, either. Big companies aren’t struggling with environmental responsibility. They’ve already cracked the code. They know about global reporting initiatives and how to include them in their annual reports. Third parties verify their environmental health and their processes are largely up-to-par. It’s the mid-sized and small companies that need to catch up.

The problem? Many of these companies, like the one I was in when that client called, may not know where to start. I was lucky that the person on the other end of that phone call gave me a hint about how to get started.

Do one thing different tomorrow than you did today,” he said. “Pick something you’re doing now, measure it, set a target and get to work.”

In that moment, building a socially responsible sustainability program seemed doable.

That call put us on a course to achieving high scores for our carbon management programs by the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). The CDP is a non-profit, globally recognized reporting platform with an unwavering commitment to reducing companies’ emissions and climate change risk. Imagine being a supplier asked to report to the CDP that works with the world’s largest companies, representing trillions in US assets.

Public Accountability

Thankfully, my client had a little more advice. He asked me to commit to two publically declared goals. We started out with waste and carbon reduction. Then, we embraced the Sustainable Development Goals – the UN had 17 SDGs that I could choose from – and publish that commitment on our website. The best place to start is almost always exactly where you already are.

The First Step

The next day, I set out to learn what the heaviest material we regularly sent to landfills was. Turns out we were throwing away ~198,000 pounds of plastic purge each year.

For anyone not in the plastics manufacturing business, ‘purge’ is the material you send through a machine when you want to change the color of your product. It filters out any leftovers from your last job so you can start the next one with a clean slate.

I interviewed recyclers all over New York State and found a company that would take our used purge right from our production floor. There’d be no sorting necessary, and no extra work for our employees.

Sustainability and Profit

That’s what made this endeavor profitable, too. The only money we spent on these initiatives (and Un-sorted purge recycling was the first of many) was the money we saved in other areas by imple-

menting them. Generally, to secure buy-in from company leadership, your sustainability efforts must not cause your team extra work or be exceedingly costly. Asking our team to sort the purge would have been time consuming and therefore, exceedingly costly.

Another initiative we took on actually made us a profit. I was able to sell other waste for up to 2 cents a pound. I invested that money in a safety initiative, which in turn lowered our workers’ compensation costs. Then we began to allocate the funds to buy renewable energy to power our plant. All of a sudden, we had the most important ingredient in a sustainability program: momentum.

Your Turn

Everybody cares about the planet, but not everyone is willing to do something uncomfortable to start addressing its problems. Most don’t realize their role in those problems, though.

Once you quantify your impact, taking steps to improve it will seem like a responsibility. Get real about your circumstances and ask yourself what that first step might look like. Maybe you’ll find the opportunity in your emissions or waste, or perhaps it’ll be in your suppliers or your employee engagement. You won’t know until you truly look.

Then it’ll be time to take action. Start with small, humble and achievable goals. Make them public. Involve others. You don’t have to know how to do it – you can learn as you go.

If everyone does their part, we can all make a difference.

Cindy Bush is senior vice president, manufacturing risk specialist at OneGroup. She can be reached at 585-450-1170 or

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Do Your Part to Prevent Cyber Crime

Do Your Part to Prevent Cyber Crime

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

By Dennis Ast, CPCU, CCIC

Last year, we saw more local school districts suffer at the hands of cyber criminals than ever before. The NYS Education This October marks the 18th year of Cyber Security Awareness Month and the theme continues to be “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” Each one of us plays a role in protecting and minimizing risk for a cyber breach in our organizations. No matter the type of organization that you own or work for, all are at risk. Today’s cyber criminals are opportunistic and seeking monetary gain as they search for their next victim.

While we typically hear about cyber events impacting large companies, attacks can hit close to home, too. Organizations in your community are being attacked: schools, not-for-profits, manufacturing companies, medical facilities, and offices – all individuals, industries, and businesses are at risk of cyber crime. There are precautions that we can all take to protect ourselves and our organizations from cyber criminals:

  • Think before you click links or attachments in emails, texts, and social media applications
  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi
  • Always update and patch your devices
  • Have clean, air-gapped backups
  • Develop a cyber incident response plan

Know what you would do if you have a cyber event. Having a cyber incident response plan in place before an event will help you respond quickly and minimize the negative impact on you, your organization, and your customers. A cyber insurance policy can aid your organization in preparing for and responding to a cyber event, as well as providing coverages for many of the damages that may be incurred due to a cyber event.

CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) provides resources that can be utilized during Cyber Security Awareness Month.

To learn more, visit:

Dennis Ast is a senior account executive at OneGroup. He can be reached at 716-572-2410 or

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Understanding Homeowners Insurance

Understanding Homeowners Insurance

What does it cover?

By Janice Kophen

Homeowners insurance is the most essential insurance to secure when you purchase a home.

Complete homeowners policies are usually made up of a few types of coverage. Together, these coverage types can benefit you in a variety of situations – from pipes bursting and wind damage to fires and break-ins. They help you pay for repairs and replacements to your home’s structure and contents and they can assist with the payment of legal fees if, for instance, your dog bites a visitor or someone trips down your stairs — with even more coverage if you opt to add a personal umbrella to your policy.

There are varying types of homeowners insurance, all offering different kinds of coverage. Below is a non-exhaustive list of available coverages, depending on your policy:

  • Dwelling
  • Other structures
  • Personal property
  • Liability
  • Additional living expenses
  • Guest medical
  • Umbrella (excess liability by endorsement or separate policy)

It is important to remember that flood insurance, one of the most frequently reported (and one of the most costly) claim types, is often not included in a standard homeowners policy. If your home is at risk of a flood, talk with your agent about adding this coverage. If the worst happens, you’ll be glad you did.

If you have questions about your homeowners policy, our personal insurance team is ready to help. We’re committed to ensuring that our clients know exactly what they’re covered for so they can make the most informed decisions possible.

Janice Kophen is vice president, personal insurance operations at OneGroup. She can be reached at 315-558-6777 or

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Coverage cannot be bound or altered and a claim cannot be reported without confirmation from a representative of OneGroup.

Prioritizing Holistic Wellness

Prioritizing Holistic Wellness

Considering mental, physical, and financial wellbeing during open enrollment

By Johanna Kmetz

Fall is here and that means… open enrollment!

Taking this time to show your employees that their health and financial wellness are important to your organization goes a long way – especially considering the impacts of COVID-19. The pandemic has heightened concerns amongst employees regarding the stability of their healthcare and finances. As such, this year’s open enrollment season is particularly important.

Switching up the perception of open enrollment

How you choose to describe your benefits can influence the way your employees think about open enrollment. While this time may feel rote and obligatory for most people, it can be used as an opportunity to check in on your workers’ financial wellbeing. Don’t dwell exclusively on advice about post-paycheck choices – spend some time talking about how your employees are utilizing their pre-paycheck earnings (i.e. pre-tax gross pay), as well. Let them know that these decisions can lead to immediate, quantifiable savings!

Consider the unknowns

Every new year brings with it an excess of uncertainties. While there are major life events that can be anticipated, like getting married or starting a family, there are many other events that are impossible to premeditate. For example, COVID-19 and other unexpected threats to health can have a major impact on your employees’ finances if they don’t have the right coverage in 2022. Take the time to explain the differences between the types of plans your company offers, whether it be an HDHP, PPO, or HMO.

Encourage utilization of mental health resources

Due to the stresses caused by COVID-19, many companies have realized the importance of highlighting their employees’ mental health. If you already offer wellness resources or Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), encouraging personnel to take advantage of these benefits would be favorable. And if you already have employees who use your EAP, ask them to vouch for it! Endorsements from peers tend to go over well amongst coworkers.

EAPs vary, but most offer mental health resources, financial advice, support for child and elder care, and materials regarding coronavirus-specific issues.

Offering online classes in yoga or meditation and sharing information about relaxation, better sleep schedules, stress reduction, nutrition, etc. are great ways to encourage wellness at your organization. Consider offering benefits like this, whether temporarily or long-term.

Reminding employees about telehealth options that allow for virtual visits can also reduce stress by providing a safe option for care while maintaining strong physical and mental health.

Next steps

When considering all of the above, it becomes clear how vital employee communications are during open enrollment, especially this year. OneGroup is poised and ready to work with you to create and implement meaningful communication and benefits plans in support of your wellness strategy.

Contact us at 800-268-1830 or email

Johanna Kmetz is a senior benefits specialist at OneGroup

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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