Business Interruption Coverage Could Save Your Business

Business Interruption Coverage Could Save Your Business 1

Business interruption insurance is a type of coverage that can offer peace of mind if your business has to close due to a catastrophic event.

Although it’s not a policy that can be purchased separately, it can be added to your property insurance or business owners policy.

Planning for the unexpected

2 AM, the phone rings, a fire has erupted at your place of business. As you drive to the scene of the event, your mind is racing and your heart is thumping. Oh, that sinking feeling. Four years of investing and non-stop working to make that business into something good, and now this happens! Just as you’ve landed the biggest order of your career.

It’s disastrous, sure, but that disaster doesn’t have to spell the end of your business. That’s why you need to plan for the unexpected.

Your commercial property insurance or business owners policy will work wonders, by fixing the damage and replacing the lost property in record time. By record time, think in terms of weeks, not days, hours or minutes. Any major disaster will make it impossible for you and your employees to remain on the premises as the repairs are underway. To stay in business, to pay your bills and your employees, you’ll need to get (or make sure you have) business interruption insurance.

Disaster recovered

Property insurance primarily covers your building and the assets within it. What you need right now is to cover your missing revenue and your other business related expenses.

Business interruption insurance covers:

  • Lost Income: Profits you would’ve earned during the interruption
  • Rent or lease payments: Payments owed to your landlord on your damaged location
  • Temporary relocation: Costs associated with moving to and renting a new location
  • Employee payroll: Wages for your workers
  • Taxes: Federal or local taxes that are due
  • Loan payments: Outstanding payments due to creditors
  • Losses caused by damage that prevents access to your building: Missing income due to authorities imposing curfews or evacuations in the area where your business is located

Without business interruption insurance, you could be faced with the difficult decision to rent a temporary worksite or permanently close your doors. 40% of businesses don’t reopen after a disaster, and another 25% fail within a year according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA.)

Coverage eligibility

There are factors that can impact your eligibility for a business interruption policy. If your business is strictly home based, you may not qualify for coverage. The following can also impact eligibility:

  • Industry or classification
  • Previous claims
  • Location

You’ve invested so much into building your business. It’s important to protect your investment and business interruption insurance can give you that added security to keep your business running for many years to come.

Don’t forget to review your policies periodically with your insurance broker as your business evolves to ensure you always have the right coverages in place.

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

Written content in blog post: Copyright © 2019 Applied Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Supporting Veterans

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OneGroup participates in The IVMF’s Community Navigator Pilot Program

This past November, OneGroup spotlighted the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families as part of their OneCommunity Campaign.

Founded in 2011, the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families empowers service members, veterans, and their families through research, community programs, and analytics. IVMF works closely with communities and non-profits across the country to amplify service delivery for the 19 million veterans throughout the United States and their families. 

Proud National Member Community Navigator FB

As part of their campaign, employees at OneGroup were able to spotlight family members, friends, and themselves who are active or retired service people on our company’s intranet. Employees submitted a picture of their veteran, as well as the branch they served in and a little blurb about them. These spotlight efforts ran the entire month of November.

We’re happy to participate in IVMF’s Community Navigator Pilot Program, funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration. OneGroup was selected to help support this grant in serving military communities with entrepreneurship training, small business technical assistance, loan preparation, capital readiness, corporate and federal contracting, and networking.

Learn more about the IVMF here. 

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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15 Tips for Driving on Snow and Ice

Snow plow and car on snowy road

As the weather gets colder, driving conditions become difficult. Follow these tips to stay safe while you’re driving on ice and snow this winter season.

Driving in snow and ice requires quick reflexes, patience and a little bit of know-how.

If you can’t avoid driving in wintry conditions, make sure you and your vehicle are both ready for the challenge. Also, try to time your trip so that you follow snowplows and ice/sand trucks rather than leading the way.

Do you have the right tires?

Worn tires are particularly dangerous on slippery roads. You may want to consider winter tires if you live in an area where driving in ice and snow is a regular occurrence rather than simply a once-in-a-while event.

According to Edmunds, winter tires are specially designed to stay pliable and grippy at lower temperatures but need to be replaced far sooner than standard tires: They “have lost almost all of their capability” when they are down to a tread depth of 6/32-inch.

Safety tips

Here are 15 winter driving tips to keep in mind:

  • Take a few minutes to fully clear your car of ice and snow before starting off. Not only will you have better visibility, but it’s also the law in some places. Motorists have been seriously hurt and even killed in accidents caused by chunks of ice and snow flying off other vehicles at high speeds.
  • Drive slowly and leave yourself enough room to safely stop. Increase your following distance to six to eight seconds. Also, don’t try to beat out yellow lights.
  • Use low gears to maintain traction, especially on hills.
  • Don’t use overdrive or cruise control on icy roads.
  • Don’t pass snowplows or sand trucks. Take extra care when passing other vehicles on wintry roads.
  • Keep your windshield clean and make sure your windshield washer system has ample anti-icing fluid. Before you start your trip, make sure the fluid jets aren’t blocked and that your wipers aren’t frozen to the windshield.
  • Defog the inside of your windows by running your air conditioner. You should choose the fresh-air option rather than recirculated air.
  • Even during daylight hours, drive with your lights on to increase your visibility. Make sure your headlights and taillights are clean and clear of snow.
  • Brake carefully to prevent skidding. If you feel your wheels starting to lock up, gently ease off the brakes rather than slamming down on them.
  • Watch out for black ice — a thin, slippery glaze that can make the road appear merely wet or even totally clear and dry, depending on the light.
  • Stay in your lane, especially when visibility is poor.
  • Be especially careful on bridges, overpasses, off-ramps, shady spots and infrequently traveled roads, which tend to freeze first (refer to the black ice warning above).
  • Train yourself to respond properly to skids: If you begin to slide, turn into the direction your rear wheels are sliding. If the back end of your vehicle is sliding to the right, for example, turn your steering wheel to the right. Don’t overcompensate or attempt sudden swerves.
  • Keep your gas tank topped up in the wintertime to reduce the amount of water vapor that could potentially condense and sink into your fuel pump and fuel lines. This can block fuel flow to the engine.
  • Don’t get overconfident. Even if you drive a lot in poor conditions and have a car with 4-wheel drive and snow tires, accidents still happen. Safe winter drivers must remain alert at all times.

Make sure you have the right insurance to protect you and your vehicle

Before you venture out in adverse weather, know the steps you can take to help make sure you arrive at your destination safely. Also, make sure your auto insurance is up to date. Talk to your insurance agent about your current coverage and discuss any recommended changes to help protect your vehicle (and wallet) from winter hazards.

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

Written content in blog post: Copyright © 2019 Applied Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

OneGroup Supports Build-A-Pack

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Our Florida team gives back

OneGroup is active in supporting our local communities throughout the eastern United States. Florida is no exception! Tom Wienckoski, president of OneGroup Southeast, and his wife Charlotte have spearheaded the gathering of donations to provide the homeless with backpacks for nearly 20 years. These backpacks are loaded with essential survival items, tents, tarps, and much more. This initiative, called Build-A-Pack, also feeds more than 300 people annually and is growing each year. Additionally, it provides no-cost professional haircuts and ensures that there are plenty of toys and gifts for children during the holiday season.

Build-A-Pack cannot be completed alone. With the help of hundreds of families, volunteers and local businesses, this project has come to life. In the past 19 years, more than 10,000 backpacks have successfully been distributed to the homeless. Tom, Charlotte, and the entire OneGroup Florida team epitomize what it means to “give back” to the community. This is something that is at the very core of OneGroup and is demonstrated every day through our ONECommunity program. We are thankful for the opportunity to help out in our community!

“The greatest gift that the holidays can bring is helping those that are less fortunate than ourselves.”

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Winter Workplace Injuries

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Winterize Against Workers’ Comp Claims

In New York especially, the onset of winter weather means an increase in workers’ compensation claims. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported over 20,000 occupational injuries related to snow, ice, sleet, and snow in 2017, the most recent year for which statistics are available.

While any worker can be affected by winter weather risks and hazards, the construction industry is significantly more at risk from winter weather hazards, risks, and environmental conditions.

Many of the common winter workers’ comp claims fall into one of these categories:

  1. Slips, trips, and falls: These incidents account for about 25% of total workplace injuries, according to the National Safety Council. The likelihood of these injuries increases when there is ice or snow on the ground. Some common hazards associated with workplace slips and falls include snow and ice on parking lots, stairs, walkways, floors, roadways, and sidewalks
  2. Cold-stress injuries: According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), cold stress occurs when skin temperature is driven down and eventually the internal body temperature drops too low. Serious cold-related illnesses and injuries may occur when the body is unable to warm itself, and some can even be permanent or fatal. Cold temperatures, high winds, dampness, and cold water all contribute to cold stress. Common cold-stress illnesses and injuries include trench foot, frostbite and hypothermia
  3. Winter driving hazards: Winter weather can cause hazardous driving conditions, resulting in an increase in workers’ comp claims related to auto and vehicle accidents.
  4. Snow shoveling and snow removal hazards: Injuries and illnesses can include strains and sprains, harm from using equipment, dehydration, and even heart attacks, according to OSHA.

Winter workplace injuries can result in higher general liability insurance costs, employee absences due to work injuries, and lost productivity. Here are some tips to develop a complete winter workplace safety strategy:

Communication and education

  • Create a winter weather safety manual and distribute it to all workers.
  • Educate employees on the risks of slips and falls during winter.
  • Make sure outdoor workers know how to recognize the signs of cold stress.

Safe snow and ice removal

  • Hire a snow removal company to clear parking lots, sidewalks, stairs and walkways.
  • Use safe ice and snow melting techniques.
  • Be aware of the hazards of shoveling snow.

Safety campaigns

  • Develop a winter safety awareness campaign to communicate procedures and plans.
  • Use highly visible signage such as caution and warning signs in hazardous areas, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Promote safe operations of all winter equipment, including plows and snowblowers.

Winter weather safety gear and clothing

  • Make sure outdoor employees wear appropriate clothing and other protective equipment during cold weather.
  • Be aware of OSHA requirements for providing personal protective equipment for workers; protective winter gear may fall into this category.

Equipment and vehicles

  • Ensure that workplace vehicles and heavy equipment are inspected and properly working for winter weather conditions.
  • Equip vehicles with emergency safety and weather kits.
  • Make sure drivers are properly trained to operate vehicles in winter weather conditions.

By taking a proactive approach to winter safety and risk management, you can protect your workers and create a safe work environment regardless of the weather. If you have any questions or want to discuss further, please feel free to reach out at your convenience.

For more information please contact Brett Findlay, Vice President Business Risk Specialist at (315) 280-6376 or

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

Written content in blog post: Copyright © Applied Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Syracuse City School District

Executive Team

Supporting Syracuse City School District Students

For a long time, our team has been excited by the idea of creating more opportunities for mentorship in our workplace. Mentorship aligns with OneGroup’s core values of focusing on the bigger picture, knowledge development, transparency, acknowledgement, and purpose. This year, OneGroup launched our first ever job shadow program with the Syracuse City School District. With the help of the school district, our team created a shadowing opportunity that allowed students in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program to visit real workplaces and hear from professionals in the industry that they are studying.

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We welcomed three groups of students to our OneGroup’s Syracuse office from three CTE programs: Business Technology, Media and Communications, and Cyber.

Students from each group took a tour of our office, met with some of our executive team, and heard from professionals that work in the industry they study. The students also met with our Human Resources team to gain a better sense of what goes into the hiring and job searching process, learning important things that hirers look for in a candidate.

This experience was a great way for students to experience and practice their skills in a workplace environment, and a great way for our OneGroup team to teach some of their knowledge to some really amazing groups of students.

“It was a pleasure to share my passion and teach the students about what I do everyday. We were able to show them how to apply what they’re learning at a company that they least expected! They were smart and inquisitive and a joy to spend time with.” – Erin Morrisseau, Brand Manager, Marketing & Communications Team Lead.

We are so excited to be involved in Syracuse City School District’s mission to support student success, and are so grateful for those on our OneGroup team that participated in this program.

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This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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OneGroup Named A Top 100 Agency!


Insurance Journal’s 2022 Top 100 Property & Casualty Agency

At OneGroup, our priority is our clients. Regardless of what their need may be, we are here to support and guide them in every way that we can. We believe that the success of our clients is integral to the prosperity of OneGroup.

In August 2022, we were ranked 81st out of America’s top 100 property and casualty insurance agencies by the Insurance Journal, one of the most read national property and casualty publication for independent insurance agents and brokers. This list was developed by the revenues produced by all of the insurance agencies in America whose business is primarily retail.

“We are proud to be recognized among the top insurance agencies across America,” OneGroup CEO, Pierre Morrisseau, stated. “It is a testament to the dedication and commitment that our team has for our clients.”

We will continue to support our clients and work hard to ensure that all their goals are met. Thank you to all of our clients for allowing us the opportunity to work with you. To read the list in it’s entirety, click here.

Top 100 Badge 2022 Facebook

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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United, We Do More


OneGroup supports United Way at annual Campaign Kick-Off.

This past month, OneGroup had the pleasure of spotlighting United Way as part of our OneCommunity program.

OneGroup’s Syracuse office had their United Way Campaign Kick-Off on Tuesday, September 27. Joined by our BPAS Syracuse office, our teams had the pleasure of listening to the Central New York Division President, Nancy Kern Eaton. Eaton spoke about the organization, all that it does to help the Syracuse community, and how our team can support their mission. Our team across all locations were given the opportunity to participate in the kick-off by supporting their local United Way chapters.

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The Central New York division of United Way originally began as an organization called The Syracuse Community Chest. On June 18, 1917 the mayor of Syracuse gathered the community on the steps of City Hall and asked them to invest in one fund. He called this his, “war plan for fighting poverty.” Because of the mayor’s efforts and continuous support from the community, the United Way of Central New York celebrated 100 years of making a difference in 2021.

United Way is engaged in 95% of the U.S., and serves more than 1,100 communities across 37 countries and territories worldwide. They bring people together to build stronger, more equitable communities where everyone can thrive. With more than 11.5M volunteers, 6.8M donors, 29K community partners, and 45K corporate partners, they’re strengthening education, economic mobility, and access to health.

United Way collaborates with many different organizations that provide human services needed by all. The organization serves needs such as mental health support, youth care, working adults, and financial education for local communities all over the country. Each subdivision of United Way is a locally-run organization that works to improve their communities.

Our OneGroup CEO, Pierre Morrisseau, explained it beautifully, “A small ripple creates large waves.” Even small contributions from our team and others can go a long way.

No matter where you live, United Way works to help people in your community to live their best life. Learn more about United Way and how you can get involved here.

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Controlling Your Workers’ Compensation Costs


Construction Premium Adjustment Program Credit

By Brett Findlay, ARM

The Construction Premium Adjustment Program Credit, also known as the PAP Credit, is one of the most overlooked credits available to contractors. This credit is intended to address premium differences between high and low wage paying employers with similar construction operations. If eligible, the PAP Credit could provide 5% to 20% credit on a contractor’s workers’ compensation policy.

Your eligibility depends on three factors:

  • Your construction classification
  • Your experience modification factor
  • Your third quarter payrolls from the eligible fiscal year

You have to fill out the application each year, either physically or electronically. If you qualify for the credit, it will actually be applied at renewal to the policy, as opposed to immediately.

Filling out the application is easy enough, and should be done when sitting down with your broker to review payrolls and exposures. If you’re unsure whether or not you’re currently getting this credit, it should be listed as a line item on your workers’ compensation policy.

We are confident that it will be well worth your time. It all helps when it comes to the high premiums that we pay in New York as contractors. Twenty percent should never be overlooked.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at your convenience.

For more information please contact Brett Findlay, Vice President Business Risk Specialist at (315) 280-6376 or

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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Bringing Hope During Difficult Times

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OneGroup supports the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Last month, our OneCommunity spotlight was the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). We had the pleasure of working with this organization on their mission to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide.

AFSP provides support for individuals and families struggling with mental health and the affects of suicide. The foundation has established chapters across the United States to widen their abilities to help those in need. They are present in all of our OneGroup communities! Through public engagement, educational programs, research, and more, they offer help to so many people. AFSP has widened the dialogue surrounding mental health and suicide.

To help spread their message and get involved, we looked to our OneGroup team! AFSP is an amazing organization that aids in bringing encouragement to those who are suffering difficult times.

This spotlight prompted some of our own team members to share their personal experiences and stories with us. We are grateful to those who shared, making the impact of this month’s spotlight much more meaningful.

We’ve appreciated the chance to learn about and connect with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. They require support year-round to continue helping those in need. You can learn more about the work that AFSP does in our communities here. If you would like to become involved, you can find your local chapter here or use the red button to donate here.

This content is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing professional, financial, medical or legal advice. You should contact your licensed professional to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Please refer to your policy contract for any specific information or questions on applicability of coverage.

Please note coverage can not be bound or a claim reported without written acknowledgment from a OneGroup Representative.

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