Employee Benefits
A Leader in Health Insurance and Benefit Plan Consulting
Businesses are seeking innovative ways to lower benefits cost while providing quality benefits. Health insurance and benefits now make up 30% or more of employees’ total compensation, and represent one of the largest expenses for any business.
We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for their benefits program. Save time. Save money.
WEBINAR: Self-Funding Health Benefits 101
Almost 65% of all employees are covered under a self-funded health plan, up from 44% in the year 2000. Why do so many employers self-insure? Join us for the next…
What You Need To Know About Form I-9 and E-Verify
As a U.S. employer, you have responsibilities under immigration law related to hiring and retaining employees. Learn about employment eligibility verification, remaining in compliance and where to go for help.
Unlock the Value of Paid Paternity Leave
Discover the employer and employee benefits of paid paternity leave, and learn strategies to increase its uptake.