Employee Benefits solutions

Sustainable Solutions for Your Health Care, Benefits, Compensation, Staffing, Employee Wellness, and More

Business leaders and human resources professionals across the country are being asked to find sustainable solutions in the areas of health care, benefits, compensation, staffing, employee wellness, and many other fronts. The enormity of the task can be overwhelming. OneGroup has been providing clients with innovative and sustainable human capital solutions and employee benefits since 1983 in all areas.

OneGroup is uniquely qualified to provide innovative, out-of-the-box benefits solutions. With more than 200 experts and specialists from across the business spectrum and over 40 benefits professionals, OneGroup is equipped to analyze current benefits programs of any size, provide insightful consultation, design custom benefits plans, and place the various insurance packages.

Evolving Trends in Employee Wellness Programming

Discover what’s trending up and down in wellness programs as organizations seek to maximize their investment in employee well-being.

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WEBINAR: Self-Funding Health Benefits 101

Almost 65% of all employees are covered under a self-funded health plan, up from 44% in the year 2000. Why do so many employers self-insure? Join us for the next…

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What You Need To Know About Form I-9 and E-Verify

As a U.S. employer, you have responsibilities under immigration law related to hiring and retaining employees. Learn about employment eligibility verification, remaining in compliance and where to go for help. 

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