Workers’ Compensation Audit & Insurance Premium Recovery
You May Be Due For A Refund
Workers’ compensation costs continue to rise and some businesses are experiencing increases even if they have favorable workplace accident rates! More disturbing is that these premiums are often incorrectly calculated based on assumptions and oversight, resulting in overcharges that can run in the tens of thousands of dollars.
OneGroup has successfully and substantially reduced our clients’ workers’ compensation annual insurance costs and has successfully recovered overpayments that were made by our clients to insurance carriers.
OneGroup’s team of claims, HR, and occupational health and workplace injury management professionals has developed a comprehensive approach to assisting you in effectively managing your workers’ compensation risk exposures.

Our program includes:
- Review of all open claims with your prior and current carriers.
- Conduct claims reviews with all carriers to insure proactive claims handling and accurate reserving.
- Negotiate fair settlements on behalf of our clients.
- When we successfully reduce your prior loss ratio exposure, we file with the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board for Experience Modifier corrections.
- We recover on behalf of our clients any past premium overpayments they may have made.
Now you can recover premium overpayments – even up to six years prior
You may be able to recover substantial overpayments made for your workers’ compensation premiums as far back as six years – even if you’ve been with several insurance companies? It’s true!
Most companies simply pay the annual workers’ compensation premiums that are dictated by their insurance carriers. What you may not know is that very often, these premiums were too high. OneGroup successfully recovered overpayments in excess of $400,000 for one client alone! Not only are any overpayments you’ve made recoverable, but with a skilled advocate, you may also dramatically reduce your workers’ compensation premiums going forward.
There are a number of reasons why premium overcharges occur:
- Misapplication of workers’ compensation regulation
- Inaccurate calculations
- Misclassification of employees in the various Service Industry Class (SIC) codes
OneGroup’s premium recovery service is risk free
There is no risk because you spend no money or time. OneGroup handles every detail for you:
- OneGroup’s expert staff has more than 20 years’ experience in workers’ compensation and premium recovery
- OneGroup secures refunds for clients on a contingency basis—no up-front costs, no cost if no recovery
- OneGroup has secured recoveries for the majority of those clients represented for recovery
- There is no need to change brokers or insurance companies unless you wish to—OneGroup’s sole focus is to secure you a refund of all past premium overcharges up to six years prior
- OneGroup prepares all necessary documentation and paperwork
- OneGroup performs an Experience Modifier review and audit invoice examination
- OneGroup handles all negotiations with insurance carriers on your behalf
- OneGroup secures refunds on your behalf
- Once we have achieve a successful recovery, we bill you a modest percentage of the recovery value
We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for their workers’ compensation audit and insurance premium recovery. Save time. Save money.
Update on 2023 Workers’ Compensation Rates
There have been significant changes applicable to New York State workers’ compensation in 2023.