Information to help you make better, more informed decisions.
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Protecting Your Home and Understanding Your Insurance During Winter Storms
Prepare for snowstorms by understanding potential property damages, reviewing your insurance coverage, and taking preventive measures to protect your home and family.
Is It Time to Review Your Medicare Plan?
If your Medicare plan no longer meets your health, cost, or lifestyle needs, it might be time to consider a change—OneGroup can help you review your options.
OSHA’s Top 10 Safety Standard Citations in 2024
Every year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rank the 10 most frequently cited standards following worksite inspections. Workers experience avoidable injuries, illnesses and fatalities associated with the hazards the standards cover.
Auto insurance rates are still rising. What can you do?
Auto insurance prices continue to rise. Learn ways to steer the cost cycle without compromising your vehicle coverage.
ACA Pay-or-Play Provision: Determining your ALE Status
Under the Affordable Care Act, applicable large employers (ALEs) must offer minimum affordable health coverage to their full-time employees, or pay a penalty. Find out if you qualify as an ALE and what you must do to comply.
Contracts: A Guide to Managing Risks
Combining hold harmless and indemnity agreements with insurance provides comprehensive financial security for your organization, with state regulations. Proper handling of claims not only helps in reducing costs but also supports a safer workplace environment.
Winterize Against Workers’ Compensation Claims
Cold weather leads to an increase in employee injuries. With a few steps, you can improve your workers’ chances of coming through the chill unscathed.
Prepare for Your 2024 ACA Reporting Deadlines
It's time to start planning for IRS reporting deadlines under the Affordable Care Act. Use this information to get ready.
Legal Alert: RxDC Reporting Due June 1st
With the 2024 reference year RxDC reporting deadline approaching in June, plan sponsors should re-familiarize themselves with the reporting requirements.
OneGroup provides information, research, guidance, and best practices, but does not offer specific legal or tax advice. OneGroup services are not intended to be a substitute for legal or tax advice. Given the changing nature of federal, state and local legislation and the changing nature of court decisions, OneGroup cannot guarantee that the information will not change in the future. It is recommended to seek legal or tax guidance if such guidance is warranted or preferred.