Beyond Disability Insurance – a True Benefit

Employee disability insurance protects your company and your employees. Most have few means to rely on should they become unable to work for any extended period of time, potentially disrupting your business and putting your employee at financial risk. The odds are greater than most business owners/managers imagine that employees will require disability insurance.

Consider these statistics:

  • 1 in 4 of today’s 20 year old workers will become disabled during their working life1
  • Over 40 million Americans are now classified as disabled2
  • Nearly half of all personal bankruptcies and mortgage foreclosures are attributable to debilitating injuries and illnesses3

It is clear that employee disability takes a toll on businesses employing these workers. Disability insurance can help provide peace of mind for your employees and their families while providing benefits to your company. OneGroup can compare the options and integrate employee disability insurance into your business insurance program.

Types of business disability insurance

Statutory disability insurance

If you operate a business in New York State, statutory disability insurance is mandated by the State. New York Disability Benefits Law (DBL) is no-fault insurance designed to protect workers injured off the job. Any employee who is working or has worked for a covered employer for at least four consecutive weeks is eligible. Disability benefits are paid either jointly by the employer and the employee (the employee may be required to contribute one-half of one percent up to 60 cents of his or her weekly wages) or entirely by the employer.

All insurance companies provide the same core benefit, however they must meet the strict criteria established by DBL: A seven-day waiting period for sickness or accident, 50% of gross weekly earnings to a maximum weekly benefit of $170.00 and a maximum benefit period of 26 weeks. Fewer than 50 employees is known as a community rated plan with different rates for males and females. Over 50 employees is known as experience rated (rates determined by prior year loses) and the rate will be determined by either experience or based on payroll.

Your OneGroup specialist can help you find the lowest rates and ensure that your insurance meets all NYS requirements. This coverage which is provided by the Employer, is usually added with a short term or long term disability insurance.

Supplemental disability insurance

There are two primary types of business disability insurance: Short-term disability insurance and long-term disability insurance. There are important differences between the two in terms of how much and how long an individual might be paid under certain situations. A OneGroup specialist can help you understand the differences and ensure that you have the best disability insurance to protect you and your company.

  • Short-term business disability insurance covers short-term expenses up to 100% of an individual’s income. Short-term disability insurance typically has a minimum of a two-week waiting period and lasts for a period of 13-26 weeks. Short-term disability insurance. This business disability insurance has at least a two week waiting period and usually has a benefit period of 13-26 weeks. Short-term disability insurance is often offered by an employer to help valued employees to maintain their expenses until they can return to work.
  • Long-term business disability insurance is designed to provide an individual with income (typically up to 70% of pre-tax income) in the event of a long-term illness or injury. There is also typically a longer waiting period, usually 30-180 days (short-term disability insurance will usually cover this gap). Long-term disability insurance can provide income from five years to as long as retirement age. There are three basic types of long-term disability insurance:Own OccupationCovers your income from the job or occupation you were engaged in at the time you suffer an injury or sickness even if you take a different job. When you are disabled and receiving a benefit, you are still allowed to work and earn an income in another job long as it’s not your original specialty. Some policies include language that allows specific tasks within an individual’s specialty. This is very important because it allows the choice of going back to work and earning an income without jeopardizing the loss of benefit from the insurance company. An example might be a surgeon that is injured and can’t perform certain types of surgeries but could be paid to perform other allowable surgeries. Properly designed, Own-Occupation disability insurance would continue to consider an individual disabled even if they decided to practice in their profession and earn additional income.Regular OccupationCovers your income in the job you have at the time of disability. You cannot be forced to take another position, and you get 100% of your income. If it is your choice to work in another position, your benefit will be adjusted accordingly.Any occupationOnly comes to play when you cannot work at any job at all. This type is very strict and doesn’t typically come into play until you have been on Regular Occupational disability for at least 5 years.

OneGroup can walk you through the process and help you understand what types of disability insurance might be right for your circumstances. None of us can predict when we might be injured or become ill enough that we can no longer earn a living, so don’t put off purchasing employee disability insurance for you and your employees.

Disclaimer: This is a general description of the available coverages and is not a statement of contract. All coverages are subject to policy provisions and applicable endorsements. For more information about recreational vehicle insurance speak to a OneGroup specialist.

1 U.S. Social Security Administration
2 U.S. Census Bureau
3 Health Affairs Website (

We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for their employee disability. Save time. Save money.

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