Employee Engagement

Helping You to Attract and Retain Your Best Employees

Business leaders and human resources professionals across the country are being asked to find sustainable solutions in the areas of health care, benefits, compensation, staffing, employee wellness, and many other fronts.

The enormity of the task can be overwhelming. OneGroup has been providing clients with innovative and sustainable human capital solutions since 1983 in all areas including:

Understanding employee views and attitudes may guide new initiatives or identify critical issues before they become problems. In addition, difficult employee situations often arise suddenly and unexpectedly, requiring immediate and thoughtful handling.

Employers can rely on OneGroup’s highly experienced human resources experts to handle situations with minimal disruption. OneGroup has extensive experience with:

  • Employee Surveys
  • Employee Focus Groups
  • Career Development
  • Coaching and Counseling
  • Exit Interviews
  • Investigations

OneGroup provides comprehensive human resources training programs at all levels of your organization from entry-level employees to senior management. We are highly experienced working with companies of all sizes to design custom programs to ensure that supervisors and managers are equipped for their positions and legally compliant.

Our training specialists work with your management team to ensure they are comfortable communicating any type of feedback. Our customized programs include:

  • Supervisory Basics
  • Fundamentals of Human Resources
  • Behavioral Interviewing
  • Successful Hiring
  • Performance Management
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention

Compensation studies to determine how an organization’s pay structure compares to the competitive marketplace. These studies should be done periodically to maintain competitive wages. Components may include pricing, competitive assessment, job evaluation and classification review, salary guidelines, job description formats, reward and recognition programs and incentives, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) assessments. It is important to review and update salary structures on a regular basis.

High Performance Human Capital is Every Company’s Goal

OneGroup’s performance management expertise ties performance management to the organization’s strategic direction and ensures that human capital activities are aligned with the company’s overall goals and objectives. Our human resources experts work with our clients to create and provide career development and recognition by implementing measurement and feedback systems to reinforce positive behavior.

We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for HR consulting. Save time. Save money.

What You Need To Know About Form I-9 and E-Verify

As a U.S. employer, you have responsibilities under immigration law related to hiring and retaining employees. Learn about employment eligibility verification, remaining in compliance and where to go for help. 

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Unlock the Value of Paid Paternity Leave

Discover the employer and employee benefits of paid paternity leave, and learn strategies to increase its uptake.

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Navigating Liquor Liability in the Food Service Industry

Alcohol service can attract patrons and fun, but it also comes with a chaser of complex liabilities. 

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