OneGroup participates in The IVMF’s Community Navigator Pilot Program
This past November, OneGroup spotlighted the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families as part of their OneCommunity Campaign.
Founded in 2011, the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families empowers service members, veterans, and their families through research, community programs, and analytics. IVMF works closely with communities and non-profits across the country to amplify service delivery for the 19 million veterans throughout the United States and their families.

As part of their campaign, employees at OneGroup were able to spotlight family members, friends, and themselves who are active or retired service people on our company’s intranet. Employees submitted a picture of their veteran, as well as the branch they served in and a little blurb about them. These spotlight efforts ran the entire month of November.
We’re happy to participate in IVMF’s Community Navigator Pilot Program, funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration. OneGroup was selected to help support this grant in serving military communities with entrepreneurship training, small business technical assistance, loan preparation, capital readiness, corporate and federal contracting, and networking.
Learn more about the IVMF here.

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