OneGroup supports McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center during National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
April is National Child Abuse Prevention month. Throughout the month, OneGroup supported the McMahon Ryan Child Advocacy Center, an organization that has been dedicated to ending child abuse in our Central New York community since 1999. They have assisted in the healing of countless children’s lives, and they see more than 1,000 victims of child abuse each year.

We kicked off the month by joining some remarkable community members at the Go Blue 4 Kids Breakfast. We were left in awe of the strength and perseverance shown by keynote speaker Michelle Knight, best-selling author and Cleveland Kidnapping survivor. Her story reminded us of the reason it is so important to support organizations that actively protect our community’s children.
OneGroup spread some positivity by planting 100 pinwheels on our front lawn. They spun through snow, wind, sun, and rain! Every day, these small symbols reminded us that all children deserve a happy and bright childhood. The pinwheels standing their ground throughout our unpredictable and harsh weather seemed to serve as a metaphor of strength.
On April 24th, the sun began to shine and some members of our OneGroup team laced up their sneakers and participated in the Step Up 4 Kids Run.
As the month comes to a close, we’re reminded that organizations such as McMahon Ryan require support year-round, not just during the month of April. Learn more about the work that McMahon Ryan does in our community here.
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