OneGroup acquires Thomas Gregory Associates
October 5, 2021
As OneGroup continues to grow, we are delighted to welcome New England-based Thomas Gregory Associates Insurance Brokers, Inc. (TGA) to our table. TGA specializes in all lines of property and casualty coverage, with an emphasis on the food and agribusiness industries.
Thomas Gregory Associates represents clients across the United States, many doing business internationally. The firm specializes in all lines of property and casualty coverage including hard to place professional liability and product recall, particularly firms requiring controlled atmospheres and controlled environments.

“We specialize in providing risk management and insurance solutions which reduces the ‘Total Cost of Risk’ for companies in the agricultural, food processing, life science, and transportation industries,” said Gregory. “Our expertise is in writing and negotiating manuscript coverage forms with carriers to cover the unique aspects of the risks for each client.”
OneGroup currently operates from eighteen offices located in New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Florida and now Massachusetts.
“We are thrilled to be part of OneGroup which brings us the assets and scale to better serve our clients’ needs,” said Gregory.
Learn more about TGA here.

Pierre Morrisseau
Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
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