Evolving Trends in Employee Wellness Programming
Discover what’s trending up and down in wellness programs as organizations seek to maximize their investment in employee well-being.
WEBINAR: Self-Funding Health Benefits 101
Almost 65% of all employees are covered under a self-funded health plan, up from 44% in the year 2000. Why do so many employers self-insure? Join us for the next…
Welcome Vinse Delmage to OneGroup!
Welcome Vinse Delmage to OneGroup! He has joined our team as Regional President, Western New York and Senior VP, Insurance Placement.

Leading Experts on Your Side
From business liability to personal protection – our experts have the knowledge and tools to help you reach your goals.
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Risk Transfer:
Next-Level Protection
Transferring risk to your contractors, sub-contractors or clients is tricky, but absolutely critical. Let our experts help.

HR Solutions All in One Place
Our team can help at any level from consulting to total outsourcing.

Cyber Attacks Happen More Often Than You’d Think
Talk to our team about the insurance and risk management tactics you can use to keep your data safe. Learn More.

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For Immediate assistance call 1-800-268-1830
OneGroup will respond during hours of operation. Coverage cannot be bound or altered and a claim cannot be reported without confirmation from a representative of OneGroup.