Information to help you make better, more informed decisions.
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New OSHA Enforcement Initiative
Employers will be responsible to comply with the requirements of the NEP - implement safety measures to prevent heat related illness in the workplace/worksite.
Business Resiliency: Planet
How are you contributing to the conservation of our one planet?
Business Resiliency: Product
What would you do if no one wanted to buy your product anymore?
Building Business Resiliency: Property
To be truly resilient, your facilities need to be a major part of your business continuity plan.
OneGroup provides information, research, guidance, and best practices, but does not offer specific legal or tax advice. OneGroup services are not intended to be a substitute for legal or tax advice. Given the changing nature of federal, state and local legislation and the changing nature of court decisions, OneGroup cannot guarantee that the information will not change in the future. It is recommended to seek legal or tax guidance if such guidance is warranted or preferred.